Neighbor: My kid is a picky eater.
Me: Mine too.
Neighbor: I worry about their health.
Me: Same.
Neighbor: I sneak fruit into their muffins.
Me: ... wait. Picky eaters can eat BREAD???
(Youngest would like to live off nuts and berries.)
@AskTheDevil It's not how I'd personally pick to proceed with life, but I've been unable to dissuade people from it.
It feels like a very 80/90's parenting tactic.
@LianaBrooks I'm not sure what we think we're teaching our kids when we teach them that it's okay to lie to them and manipulate them instead of being honest and direct.
*looks at American politics and the most powerful people in the country*
*pointedly does not say anything*
@AskTheDevil I mean, were I the sort of crass person to point out such abhorrent things, I might make note of the fact that lying and manipulating do seem the popular paths to wealth and power in our current mortal world.
I might even go so far as to note that rulers who don't promote diligence, loyalty, and thrift often wind up in quite unpleasant situations.
@LianaBrooks I was trying to resist saying. But someone had to! : )
@LianaBrooks Mmmhmm.
@AskTheDevil We're not taking over the world because that would be entirely too much paperwork.
@LianaBrooks Bureacracy and paperwork are my kryptonite.
@LianaBrooks I'm always fascinated by the parents that sneak things into their kids food to trick them, so they cannot be trusted, then complain their kids are picky.