Part of the Spoonie Life is getting to explain to befuddled doctors that, no, that medicine will not actually work. Explaining that I can't take the standard array of pain meds to new drs is always super, super fun. I guess they don't cover disabilities in med school.

@LianaBrooks Ah yes. I am familiar.

First, explaining my decades of medical history, then on top of that, having to convince each new doctor that no, I am not making things up or ignorant of my health conditions. I really _can't_ take certain meds, or already know what they do to me.

"But this medicine is well-tolerated. It only causes a second evil head to grow on less than 1% of people!"

Yes. I am _in_ that 1%!

@AskTheDevil The confusion is that I'm a chronic pain patient. I have dislocated joints a couple times a day. My body is a wreck and should be buried.

... and pain killers don't work. Opiods don't work. We have yet to find a way to treat my pain and we found this out during a c-section because I thought otc pain killers were placebos. People took the bitter tictac and said they felt better, but I never did. So I figured they were better at faking it.

@AskTheDevil This also means future surgeries are really, *really* not recommended. Because, yes, drilling a hole in my kneecap and looping a muscle through it would keep it from dislocating, but I'd need the surgery every five years and I'd be doing it without meds.

It's not happening.

@LianaBrooks I keep thinking about it, and I think it would drive me up the wall having one of my leg muscles going through my kneecap. I think it would take longer to get used to than the surgery would last.


@AskTheDevil It also wouldn't fix my kneecaps. They move of their own accord. Although wearing a slight heel (2inch or so) usually prevents hyperextensions and dislocations.

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