
Spellcheck: That's not a word.

Me: *pulls out dictionary*

Spellcheck: Don't. Just... please don't.

Me: *opens dictionary*

Spellcheck: *heavy sigh*

Me: It is too a word!

Spellcheck: IN THE 13th CENTURY!!! That wasn't even modern English!

Me: *clicks Add To Dictionary*

@LianaBrooks I remember the good old days where the Spellcheck from Word 4.0 would suggest replacing "surcoat" with "scrota".

@LianaBrooks I think it used some sort of primitive homophone algorithm to make suggestions if I recall. So if it didn't know a word, it would try to suggest one with similar sounds.

We made sure to add surcoat to our custom dictionary, after we giggled enough.

@NiveusLepus My vocabulary is eclectic and sometimes ancient, but my rule is that I get to use any word in my book that I know how to use in a sentence. So. We're all going to learn some fun words in this book. :)

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