@ianmhill Treat it like a birthday, I say. You’re already doing whatever you want - why not add cake?
@ianthealy A slice of apple and caramel cake (not as goopy as it sounds). Yum.
Even if you don’t normally read superhero fiction as a genre (as I didn’t, before reading Healy), give this series, this world, a try. Great stories, fun characters, and action you want to follow.
Acquaintance’s mother was, for a long time, prescribed blood pressure and cholesterol meds.
She refused to take them.
She recently had a stroke (that could have been prevented), & while her long term memory from pre-stroke is intact, her short term memory resets every ten minutes.
Now her family has to scramble for proper care.
Note to self: when prescribed meds, take them.
@lenaoflune I was on a daily habit of 1 cheesecake slice/night. Have you had the Atlanta Cheesecake Company cheesecake? (not frozen - in desserts/pastries section) I'm assuming you live in the US, though, which I shouldn't. Replied before researching.
@FindBooksToRead Both of those cases make so much sense! I had wondered if it had something to do with age (younger), but when it happens to my husband, it's with people our own age, so it's not that.
@ianthealy Also, I see what you did there.
@ianthealy It’s not just me seeing this. My husband is the receptacle for a lot of word bursts at his job. He’s met a lot of new people who are very excited to talk AT him, but not WITH him.
@ianthealy I really don’t know. I understand a conversation (in person) to be give and take. Both express interest. Both ask questions or address the other person’s statements. What I see a lot of, though, is people talking AT people about themselves and stopping when they’re done, rather than engaging the other person by asking something about them. (Often, if they do ask something, it’s to lead you into another story about them.)
@EliasJMcClellan I “this might sound dumb” all the time, even if it’s just in my head. Thank you for this.
And today in #writer gossip - I hadn’t heard about this writer before or what she (her family…? if she has one…?) did, but what a story. https://www.facebook.com/SamanthaAColeAuthor/posts/im-not-sure-where-to-start-last-night-i-got-a-message-from-rhonda-butterbaugh-as/175681348427960/
Author of THE MEETING TREE (Feb. 2023). Low tolerance for unkindness. Writer nerd.