Targeting powerless minorities is the thin end of the wedge of authoritarianism.
Take some group who "aren't like us" and whose existence makes people uncomfortable. Then demand that the public give government the tools to mock, humiliate, oppress, and torture this group. People go along with it because "Hey at least it isn't me, and I never liked those folks to begin with."
And when you realize you've given government the tools to do that to *any* group, it's a little too late.
@Ellis564 Do these liars know that we all know how to use Google? They're found out quickly.
If by "socialist" the fascists mean someone who understands that societies form governments, and use some of our money (taxes) to provide aid and support to all Americans, then they can call me a socialist. A democratic socialist to be precise, but they don't care about accuracy any more than they care about the truth.
@YouInMyEye Nikki sounds like a pageant contestant wanting to find a cure for world peace.
@Oma_Trisha What could go wrong? (Sarcasm font)
I have a strong urge to go to a Florida public library and have a sit-in where I openly read The Color Purple.
I guess a library is the 21st century equivalent of a lunch counter.
‘Fawlty Towers’ Set for Revival at Castle Rock, With John Cleese, Camilla Cleese to Write and Star
Classic British sitcom “Fawlty Towers” is being revived at Castle Rock Entertainment with original series writer and star John Cleese and his daughter Camilla Cleese set to write and star.
#FawltyTowers #BBC #Comedy #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #TV
@kbsez One of my favorite shows!
Black History Month is about American History. The African Diaspora, the people of African descent in the Americas, have played a pivotal role in the development of our many cultures, languages, music, and even religions. It is beyond the pale to not acknowledge and give due credit to a people who are now and have always been a contributor to our nation.
Enter Through the Crawlspace, Enter Through the Bulkhead, Enter Through the Alleyway. Co-author Training Ship, Newtucket Island, Cape Car Blues.