Evacuating my workplace due to a fire a couple miles north and 60 mph winds.

@rthstew well f*** didn't we do this a year ago? off to find prevailing wind direction. family south of there.
be safe.

It feels like a year ago! but the Marshall fire was 2, and a smaller fire a few months later required evacuation from my house.
I expect a fire from every windstorm. Each potential ignition is unlikely, so people don't fix them, but there are a bazillion of them, so it happens frequently.

I hope that your relatives are prepared to evacuate, but I think they won't need to. The winds are blowing consistently East, and are forecasted to turn Northeast.

@Laura_Deal @annamousse
Doh! you're right. For once the years crept by while the days were fast.

@Laura_Deal @annamousse
I'm happy to report that the Sanitas fire is 100% contained and 6" of fluffy snow fell on it overnight. It's also -12 F and calm this morning, so the fire has dropped out of my top 100 worries.

@rthstew what was it, a 71º drop in 24 hrs?
it's due here overnight. currently 46º and raining. tomorrow, high of +3º.

@rthstew for someone with no education in the subject, those graphs are amazing. thank you.

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