I found this little book among my grandmother's papers. Published 99 years ago, it is forward thinking and surprisingly feminist and practical. It also reminds me that some battles are never fully won.

My thoughtful spouse, @rthstew, gave me this sand sculpture, and it is (mostly) keeping me off social media.

With the temperature at 4 below and still dropping, we are very grateful for our warm home and both adult daughters here under our roof. Happy Solstice, everyone!

Here's another reason we should each work towards a carbonless-fuel economy as fast as we can. For the last several centuries, transitions to lower carbon (higher hydrogen) fuels have led to higher standards of living. Yes it's been unequally shared, but that's a political issue.


We've been listening to you.

Native Light-Mode is now available to ALL users of the counter.social web application and official mobile app. And it's in your preferences now!

cc: @th3j35t3r

About the header picture: I volunteer for Boulder Food Rescue. We gather excess fresh food from stores and restaurants and distribute it to people who don't have much access to it. And we do most of it by bicycle + trailer, usually in gentler weather than this, but I love having a challenging adventure without leaving town. Learn more at boulderfoodrescue.org and whether your town has a food rescue at foodrescuealliance.org/

Processing . It's slow, and I may not end up with enough to be worthwhile, but it is entertaining.

Have you ever had a dream where you woke yourself up shouting for help? I had one a couple months ago and then today heard one from a friend.

As always, I'm hoping that compassion and wisdom win the day.

Happy to be here. I am a in the oral storytelling tradition, and a student/interpreter of .

Laura the Metaphorian

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.