Have you ever had a dream where you woke yourself up shouting for help? I had one a couple months ago and then today heard one from a friend.

The night my dad died, (I was 19) I can’t say it was a dream, I can’t say it wasn’t, but I woke up and saw someone kneeling over me with a knife. I screamed so loud the whole house came running in.

Like I say, I can’t really say it felt like a dream, maybe so, or maybe a Hag, but I’ve had those ones where I try to scream, this wasn’t that. This was full-on. I don’t ever want to experience it again.


It absolutely was. Yrs later I had the opposite experience. Again, not a dream, but i felt someone poking my hip. As I woke from it, I figured it was my husband, but I looked to my left & he was snoring away. The poking was on my right.

When I looked to my right I saw my dad standing over me, clear as day. I was still in my alpha state but when I got so excited that I woke completely up, he was gone.

I tried to get back to that state, no go, but it was a cool visit from my dad.

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