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Have spent the day getting to some items on my "be an adult and get these things done" list. Productive day but now I am ready to indulge my inner child for the rest of the day doing stuff that just makes me happy.

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Laura Lyon boosted

Olena Halushka writes:

“This is how the most beautiful city in the world looked exactly a year ago. Ukraine will prevail. We might not always have electricity in our grid now, but the real source of light is our people

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Laura Lyon boosted

Rhodes, Meggs, Watkins and Harrelson will remain jailed pending sentencing. Caldwell will remain on release until sentencing.

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Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and one other found guilty of seditious conspiracy

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Elon Musk has decimated the specialist global team dedicated to tackling child sexual exploitation, leaving behind an overwhelmed skeleton crew.

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Jurors have reached a verdict in the trial of 5 alleged Oath Keepers leaders charged with seditious conspiracy and other counts. Follow live updates.

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The jury has reached a verdict in the seditious conspiracy trial of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and four of his allies.

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Picked up my new glasses today. Significant improvement in my RX this time. It is kind of a sad statement on my life that I feel like celebrating getting glasses, but given how bad my vision is, this is kind of a serious matter for me.

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Laura Lyon boosted

Just waiting until the Seahawks play. Keeping my fingers crossed they are healthy and "on" today. :)

I usually decorate the house for the holidays Friday after Thanksgiving, but it was pouring rain yesterday and I couldn't bring myself to make trips back and forth from the storage area in the garage to the house - dragging in boxes of wet holiday stuff... so I put it off to today. No rain and no excuses today. It's time for some Christmas stuff and I need to kick my "bah humbug" attitude to the curb.

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Laura Lyon boosted

Mark Elias the founder of Democracy Docket and partner at Elias Law Group received violent threats on Twitter and was informed that the threats did not violate their safety policy. 🖕🏻 Elon!!!!

Pre-Thanksgiving prep work is done. I think I work as hard (or harder) the day before hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Some wine and a bit of chillaxin' is now in order.

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Laura Lyon boosted

Delivery driver thank you box is out!

Year 7 of thanks for the many folks who make it up our front stairs to deliver things to us. It's always such a joy, and I'm happy to have gotten it out before Black Friday (always my goal, but last year I was late). It'll get a little zhuzh with some juice pouches to round out the beverage offering, and maybe a couple more salty snack options.

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Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker getting tax break in 2022 on Texas home intended for primary residence | CNN Politics

So, either he's violating tax law,.. OR, he's not actually a Georgia citizen and ineligible to run for the Senate

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Laura Lyon

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