MSM overdrive on Biden drop-out is telling, especially in light of sc rulings, Epstein files on tfg. Feel like a deliberate campaign. I hope real journalists look into it.
@StevenSavage One good thing came out of the debate is that it smoked out a bunch of snakes. It’s better to deal with them now than right before the election.
@LadyIDO @StevenSavage If they actually got dealt with, that would help.
@AskTheDevil @StevenSavage That many people are now questioning the integrity of msm is very important step.
@LadyIDO @StevenSavage The fact that only a handful are only questioning it now is nice. I figure at the rate people are starting to pay attention, within a few thousand years after the human race is extinct and Earth looks like Venus, at the same rate, half of people will get it.
@LadyIDO @AskTheDevil this'll be inportant after the election. We'll want to contest every single vote, even if Dems sweep. And we should note how much the MSM lies.
@LadyIDO it feels like an October Surprise done early to be sure.