It's Day TWO of the #CosoAdventCalendar
My assigned theme (thank you @Kurtroedeger ) is "Cookie Recipes"
Please add your favorite cookie recipes to my theme today, as much as you like--there cannot be too many cookies in the TL😍 💛
I tag @99reasons4truth for Day 3 and ask that her theme be "Pretty Lights"
also adding #cookierecipes for future reference 🍪
@Fiikus_goddess @Minholkin @99reasons4truth
Ewwww. Metric. 🙄
@Fiikus_goddess @Minholkin @99reasons4truth damn. You're getting 'murica units down
@Kurtroedeger @Minholkin @99reasons4truth
Just replace grams with eagle farts and the weight of a Yeehaw in an IHOP.
Bob's your burnt biscuit.