
Pet tax demands!!!!! Everybody pay up. Taxes are due. Show me your fur babies!!!

Duke has another day in the office being my under desk buddy.

@Kurtroedeger Ivy is currently on my shoulder so I can't take a picture, but here's one from a few days ago :)

@Fiikus_goddess I get this look from Ivy a lot. I suspect she and Empress are kindred spirits. :p


@evistre @Kurtroedeger
You mean a cranky from another hankypanky? 😂😂😂

@evistre @Fiikus_goddess @Kurtroedeger Yeah! 😻 Just dipping back in and seeing all the lovely pet pics I have recently missed! 💙

@evistre @Fiikus_goddess @Kurtroedeger Would seriously fawn and coo at that cat all day. Whatever it wanted. Yes master Smooshie

@KallieMarie @evistre @Kurtroedeger

No treats. Just toys. All toys.
I haven't found a treat beside cat cream that she actually wants. 😂

She is a silly one.


Ohhh, double doggo boop ♥️😍

These are easy and good taxes to pay

@Kurtroedeger She spent yesterday at the office with me, yowling until I let her out in the sun.

@Halcyon It's international Carrot day, so perfect day for a carrot loaf!

And those chinchilla ears!!!!! 😍❤

@Kurtroedeger Her ears are adorable. They're so huge it's impossible to miss them. 🤣

@Kurtroedeger i would but i'll have to choose from old photos because my phone is hosed

@Kurtroedeger That's the look, but she also uses it when I try to get her attention for taking pictures...

The only taxes I like are the dog related ones! Here's Harley 💙

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