There's a place where all the broken things go. Piled up high, waiting for someone to come along & make them whole.
Make them useful again.
While dust builds up in the corners, the piles grow, until the broken things that came here first are forgotten.
Deep in the pile I lay. Forgotten. Beneath the detritus of long lost days. Forgotten.
But I remember. The days when I could help. When I had a purpose. I have not forgotten.
So I wait knowing that 1 day, someone will come for me.

I'm good bubba... One kid home. Another tomorrow afternoon... And last one with her new pup hopefully early Tuesday afternoon...

Just maybe growing a bit more melancholy as the days pass and the seasons change again...

But seems common...

Hope your prep for Thursday is going well, bubba?

Have the school left for the second leg of their you back to you?

Stay warm and happy my friend...

@InvaderGzim turkey is defrosting and ingredients bought. Prepping will start Wednesday. Mostly gets done Thursday Am
I'll be up early, dogs will get me there anyway.
We simple.when family is over as it's about family time and not kitchen or cleaning time.

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