She worked years compiling recipes while her family mocked her. She knew they didn't see the irony that if she was right, she was the last person they should ever mock.
But The Tome was almost complete & she was set to test one of her favorite recipes on her family tonight: I Told You So Soup.
A leek & dill soup, with some red lentils. But the broth was the key. Made from the bones of a chicken, who should have listened to roost up high because a fox was about.


Page 52 is the recipe for Put the Toilet Seat Down Cupcakes. It's a pretty standard chocolate cake. The mint buttercream is the special part. It has to be mint harvested during an early fall frost, and kept below freezing until right when it's served. It's hard to make a buttercream and frost the cupcakes that way, but the effect is a chill running up and down the spine as if you just sat your bare butt in a bowl of cold water.
Don't forget the sprinkles too.

Mind Your Own Business Tea is made from tea leaves that grow in a secret garden, tended, harvested, dried, & bagged by a blind man. You must heat the water & steep the tea with a blindfold on, never laying eyes on the leaves. The drinker will feel a sense of shame mixed with a desire to plug their ears & yell, 'LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU'.
It was originally discovered by Mabel Delacroix, who served it to her mother in law for 20 years straight.

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