CoSo share time:
I'm one of the far flung members of Clan Sutherland.

Sans peur.

'The loch is nae place to play, Lass. Many a strong man b'ried 'neath her dep's.'
The girl knew that though. She knew where each one of those men lay. The Loch told her. It would tell anybody who would listen & follow the rules. Into the waves with a song on your lips, right foot 1st, hands empty. Follow the rules & you would always walk back out no matter how long you stayed, no matter how deep you went. If you didn't listen to the Clan rules, the Loch might not too.


The ancestors walk the halls of Dunrobin. It's become quite crowded. At least that's what Bridget's gram always said. She would giggle at that, but then the Touch came to her too & she could see them. It was quite crowded & noisy. For a while, she hated to visit the family castle, especially the old keep where the most boisterous would be. After a turn she learned to let the Touch fade to the back so the halls where filled with a murmuring fog, & the Castle her home.

The land ran deep in the Clans blood. They belonged to it as much as it belonged to them. The bond made through generations that lived there. Generations that fought for it, died for it.
You could feel it with each step you took there, or each step you took away from there.
Those that traveled far took some of the land with them. Bottled up & kept in their pocket. At the least, a stone from the house you grew up in, & understood they would be buried with it in the end

You snuck a pantsless reference in! Didn't you?
You clever boy!

@stueytheround 😏doesn't hurt it is the family seat. It's in my blood you see. 😂

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