
Beneath the moon the drum beats.
My heart, my heart, my heart
Follows the thump and bump
And my feet stamp.
Stamp in the night
Stamp in the night
The thrum and hum and crackle
Of the fire and the darkness.
While magic fills the air
Fills my lungs
And we breath the shimmer
And the dreams.
Wisps of smoke and hopes
Until the embers sigh
And the sun kisses the morning sky.
Blessings friends
Blessings to your days
The world has turned
Spin, soon away
Soon away, to another day.

And the light rises
Quietly on the whispers
Of crickets settling down,
And wings fluttering
For the morning song.
Embers glow from the fire
A lonely wisp rising
From ashes sighing
Sighing of the songs
And dreams
Of the night before
The last coal
Flaring to the beat
Of the silent drums
Day calls
I have come,
Here, here, here!
I am here!
And a single note
From the low branches
The beginning of the
Morning song
The beginning of
Another day.

I sleep
Sleep through the morning song
Sleep through the chorus of the
New Day.
Drunk on the dreams
That filled me.
Morning slips beneath the window
And slides into the bed
Beside me
Calms the thrum
Settles the beat of the drum
Still pounding
The stamping beat
In my head
In my head
In my heart
And breaths into me
A new day
A new day
Has been spun
And woven
Laid bare before me
Waiting for me
Waiting for me to rise
A new day

@Kurtroedeger As a witch, it expresses my feelings exactly, and wanted to post it elsewhere where like minded people could enjoy it. May I have you permission to do so, with your handle?

@FoxFire that is perfectly fine. Include a link for coso too 😍

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