@carolw thanks for the reminder Chloe!
@NickTheSkydiver yup. We do these types of team activities but it's usually drinks or something. This was definitely more my style
@cunningpike yeah it did. I personally love it because it's not the film that people think it is
@AmeliaKayne hope you get some comfy rest
@cunningpike tell me more!
@Wentworth I want to pat it
@jurassicliz gorgeous. I love unique weddings
@Jloc4820 I made the mistake of driving sth on the 405 to the 101 the other day and never again. Why did my GPS do that to me when the 5 / 170/ 101 is way better. #californians
@pknanse I see by your header image that you're near me!!
@Jloc4820 avoid at all costs
@Skyye i saw some scary horror movies about pigs so I've always been a little scared about them. (you too?) . It was nice getting close and petting them and not being eaten 🤣
@peeppeepcircus I was amazed at how massive they were. It's a farm here that saves animals and these guys were humungous
@allan1850 lol *too!
@allan1850 me too! I was literally sitting here scarfing down handfuls foo
@pknanse it was lovely this afternoon. It's like a proper autumn that yes happened all of a sudden
Many years ago my avatar was a meme of a cat kicking a dog. KFP was born and the handle stuck.
Hi I’m Susan - GenX tech person and music fan.