So Cosmic Jr. walked in a bit ago and asked me what I thought about Kamala.
We chatted and he said that he had serious doubts about Biden, so he thought it was a good call. He also said he didn't know much about Kamala but had watched a few of her YouTube videos and was getting a Presidential vibe.
And that is a serious independent voter at work. (He's been known to email and Facebook candidates if he thought their stance was vague.)
I think the future is looking blue.
I cringe at someone basing their votes on "Vibes" from a video but at least they are involved
I voted for Obama on a vibe, not a resume. He's starting to research and video is his preferred medium.
He's been watching all the fantasy convention stuff and would burn a track to the polls to vote for Mayor Pete. But, now that the candidates are set, he's digging in.
You aren't gonna get TikTok, Discord, Reddit, and YouTube folks without video presence and great social media. 🤷
I'd rather have a Joe Bauers as President than Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho