#cosocats lovers. Please pray, send healing thoughts and vibes for my 14 year old fur baby Tenjin. Hasn't eaten in 24 hours. And has been vomiting. Vet visit is tomorrow
#catsofcoso update for my sick furbaby.
Drinking lots of water, urinating, had a bowel movement last night, and just before i was going to take him to the Vet again, he did eat some chicken
But constantly wants to be held and petted.
Still taking him to the vet tomorrow, really hard to force feed him. So ultrasound might find an issue
You might try chicken or turkey baby food. A lot of cats will eat those when they won't eat anything else. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. 💙🤞
@JCole He ate chicken. I am trying everything, he just sniffs the food and walks away
@Kinnison poor baby. give him an extra snuggle for me please <3
@Kinnison that’s such good news!
@Kinnison excellent news
#cosocats update. We had a happy Caturday and I think we turned a corner for the better
Was real worried Saturday he wasn't eating. Then early Sunday morning just after midnight something happened and he got into his normal routine of eating. Ate normal canned food with gusto.
Even play fought with me. Almost like normal before he got sick