Mentioned a while back that I was trying out some Unity/C# stuff.
Basically set myself a project, to do a modern remake of Zarch/Virus/Lander. If you don't know it, I understand. I'm old.
Anyway, hit some roadblocks, took a break, here's what I got so far.
Looks pretty pants, but it's functional - what's there works and I've set it up to be easy to go back to and edit later
#Unity #Gamedev
@66ALW99 Anything in particular you're stuck on? I'm no pro, but I've messed around with Unity a fair bit and might be able to point you in the right direction.
You've definitely got a solid start going.
@66ALW99 If you were ever a DOS gamer, you might know what the inspiration was for this old project.
@66ALW99 SkyRoads, which apparently was a remake of Kosmonaut. Kinda forgot about that lol.
And yea enemy behaviour can be a pain. Could start out with an object that stays a certain level above the ground then tries to move toward the player when it's within in a radius. Tie that to weapons if you have/want them and you've got a simple but effective AI.