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This week the Gov of Tennessee asked for reforms of his state's gun laws.

The same shit the Tennessee 3 faced expulsion for. 😡

When you only have a moment to rest where do you turn?
To Stevie Ray Vaughan of course!

Life Without You - 1985

How does he play guitar like that behind his back?
And listen as SRV speaks such truths!

Dianne Feinstein needs to immediately retire.

She has served America admirably, but now is the time to step down gracefully and honorably so the next generation can continue her good work.

Please Senator, do the right thing.

You have nothing left to prove.

Run complete! 2.07 miles done in 20.14! Total mileage up to 33.06 miles!

Slower today but it's also my first run in nearly 2 weeks. I almost went for 3 miles today.

The Louisville shooter used an AR-15. Do not allow Lauren Boebert, George Santos and Andrew Clyde to forget that they have co-sponsored HR-1095 The AR-15 National Gun Act which will declare the AR-15 the 'national gun of the United States.'

This is what they are doing with your taxpayer dollars. Are you all okay with this shit?

"Nashville officials are poised to vote Monday to reinstate one of the two Black Democratic lawmakers expelled by Republican colleagues for their gun control protest on the Tennessee House floor after a deadly school shooting — essentially, sending him back after a long weekend."

Teachers “indoctrinating” students is such paranoid bs. One, we literally CAN’T, two we wouldn’t, because we respect these kids.

Justin J. Pearson for State Representative.
Please join our campaign and movement for justice in Memphis and across Tennessee. We believe justice is possible and Justin will help to lead the fight for us.

@John_Ripley This place only works via https. Sounds like maybe your cookies have crumbled? Log out, clear caches, then log back in.

App was under maintenance this morning, now not https on my windows machine. Any idea?

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John Ripley

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.