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@process Knew a girl when I was younger named Juanita Boner, and her brother was Johnny, little Johnny Boner. No lie!

Tedeski Trucks Sun, Sand and Soul festival about to begin. Going to be a fun three days!

@CanisPundit @th3j35t3r Actually the pig is much more intelligent and has more feelings.

@countZZero @CanisPundit I must concur. Did this in the 80's. Was not a particularly good delivery mechanism, though.

@LordsofHardwired Just another reason why I will never support him in any way. Tesla's could be the only car and I would get a bicycle...he is abhorrent.

@evamarie One of my all time favorite shows! We have been re-watching this on Amazon Prime. Currently in season 3.

What the IDF is doing in Gaza is straight genocide. indiscriminate killing… this is some weird sort of retribution on - population that does not deserve it. All they are doing is making sure this same shit happens for 2 or 3 more generations.

@th3j35t3r If only I wasn't banned on Twitter, I could respond...

@FrankCannon Make sure you have plenty of bug repellent on as the summer nears.

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John Ripley

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.