
My grandson last xmas. He asked and he received.

@JerseyGenX does it still fit him? or has he moved on to other interests?

@singlemaltgirl Well I'm buying him a nail polish kit and lego's this year. Last year it was the princess dress because and I quote "I'm not a handsome prince. I'm a pretty princess." But he also wanted hot wheels last year. Which he also got from me. So this year nail polish kit and lego's.

@JerseyGenX ooh lots of diff colours?

legos never go out of style :)

does he still fit into the dress or has he lost interest. my kid got these ideas & then the next year, totally moved on. sigh.

@singlemaltgirl He still wears the dress and now he paints his nails.

@JerseyGenX does he have steady hands?!?! i would never try & paint my nails. i get other peeps to do it.

& a 5 yr old who can let his nails dry? wow. i don't think my son would ever have been able to sit still long enough for that.

@singlemaltgirl I was shocked as well. I'm going to have him do mine! I suck at it. 🀣

@singlemaltgirl It still fits. But it's getting a bit small. If he wants another I'll buy it for him.

@JerseyGenX well perhaps he can colour code his nails to match? glittery blue polish would look lovely.

@DevinY1 He loved it. Still wears it too! But not to play outside in. It would get dirty according to him. But he'll probably out grow it soon. So if he wants I'll get him another.

@SGP90 I started cracking up with that pic. He just did the pose all on his own.

@SGP90 He kills me. He's got a head bob. The hand on the hip thing.

@JerseyGenX I’m impressed. I have never been able to master the headbob and I could put it to such good use

@SGP90 I look like a bobble head when I try it. But he nailed.

@JerseyGenX love this! My nephew loves his baby doll and stroller, he loves his cars and trucks too! I'm definitely a proponent of just let kids be kids and enjoy life!

@AlternativeFactsAreLies Exactly. If this was just a phase who was hurt by it? No one. If this is who he is I still love him.

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