@Kimmycott If the actual pills suck for you - and if you're actually B12 deficient - try nutritional yeast! It's the bomb. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/nutritional-yeast#vitamin-b-12
@danialexis Grief SUCKS. And apparently the way we think about the stages of grief is absolute crap...
I'm learning a lot from Megan Devine (Here After podcast, good books, etc).
@Kimmycott Yeah, talk to the doc about hormones, and vitamin B12 (it makes a big difference), and I dunno....thyroid stuff? Good luck.
Oh sweet - the new COVID-19 variant of Omicron, #Orthrus, has a Delta mutation; Delta put a higher percentage of victims in the hospital.
This should be fun.
@sqlcheesecake (examines ad closely)
No, no, this checks out...
Morning Cat Haiku:
Mother. Feed us. Mo
ther. Feed us. We are fur and
bone. Mother. Feed us.
“Information helps you to see that you’re not alone. That there’s somebody in Mississippi and somebody in Tokyo who all have wept, who’ve all longed and lost, who’ve all been happy. So the library helps you to see, not only that you are not alone, but that you’re not really any different from everyone else. There may be details that are different, but a human being is a human being."
Source: Interview: Maya Angelou with The New York Public Library, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/interview-how-libraries-c_b_775980
Author and poet Maya Angelou on how libraries changed her life:
"All information belongs to everybody all the time. It should be available. It should be accessible to the child, to the woman, to the man, to the old person, to the semiliterate, to the presidents of universities, to everyone. It should be open..."
I'm so angry.
We go to doctors, to psychologists, to therapists. We ask questions. We google things. We talk to friends. We look for causes.
And it’s happenstance when we find an answer…..it’s unacceptable.
@TubunMuzuru Nope. A friend wants to be able to use custom hex color codes to categorize calendar entries.
@artmyoldfriend Can you see this, @Jenstirrup
@danialexis (deep sigh)
Ah, such is life.
@Coffee_and_Salt Well now I feel all warm n fuzzy...
@danialexis "Vacation is today's work."
I'm writing that down. I'm so sorry you had to learn it the hard way.
(What's funny is, I'd likely give this same kind of advice if a friend said these things to me. Does it occur to me to say it to me? Nooooo...)
@Coffee_and_Salt SOMEtimes I'm that nice, I suppose. :D
@babaohreally Thursday 12/28, if we're going by "Price is Right" rules.
@awnaves I'm still trying to figure that out...but it involves doing my favorite activity once a week, at least.
(No, not that. Skiing!)
@singlemaltgirl Thank you. And, thank you.
@Coffee_and_Salt Nono, it wasn't trouble. It was just a nice pop-up that said, "Oh hey, gifs cost extra space & would you consider helping to support us?"
I don't think it was even required, it was just a nice request.
It’s me.