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@Brisse funny you mentioned that, I went to school for advertising and design, learned to design ads on the computer and then the jobs went away after I graduated. Computers still here and now AI taking away even more jobs.

@Ellico2020bis ah okay. most of mine are. maybe the youtube users who like cats are offline tonight. thanks for the insight, thought I was going crazy!

@Ellico2020bis @scottyorange thank you. Weird. I posted a few today and zilch. I hope CoSo does not go the way of Facebook… :(

@scottyorange In fact all the cat video posts I made today slid right past everyone. SMH

@scottyorange weird. maybe that's why some of mine get overlooked…I posted a poll asking people which cat video edit they liked better…and…crickets

@Redskye572 oh I HATE the fucking bed alarm. Someone got paid a lot of money to come up with that moronic idea. I hope you get some relief soon.

@IrelandTorin True, I miss the days of the Boolean search operators. Now if I try those queries they fail.

@ACG2 @tw33k my god yes! And my last one was awesome! I was under the impression that she had trained the therapists on trauma before she had left to start the new mental health respite center. I guess not. I said I was going to call her and my now ex-therapist said she was no longer with the company! I asked where she went, x-therapist goes "I dunno." I said, oh, like in radio when people change markets, she's like "no, I really don't know where she went." SMH

@IrelandTorin and almost NEVER what you're looking for. I thought that was the purpose of a search engine? I wonder if Excite is still around :D

I swear search engines (Google, DuckDuckGo, etc) have become pretty much useless as of late... seems like niche forums of all kinds - and really most sites with substantial user-generated content - have been deindexed from all the major search engines, leaving just a pile of:

- Corporate sites, usually trying to sell you something

- Keyword-stuffed AI-generated crap

- Keyword-stuffed clickfarm-generated crap

- Sketchy sites that are probably loaded with malware

- Semi-related Reddit posts

@Warpspeed1 Thank you! It feels good to be around people who get it. She's awful. Like talking to a robot. I treat my friends and even some strangers better than she had treated me.

@tw33k Thank you. I like telehealth with the option to see them in person should I need it. I hear ya. Some people need to see someone in person, esp if they don't have access to privacy at home.

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