I have yet meet anyone else who has changed the name of their Garmin GPS device (mine's Maxwell) or its voice (male British, quite snotty, fun for directions).
Once when I was traveling from Boston to Ithaca, we were tired of the GPS voice, so we switched it to a lady speaking Arabic. None of us spoke Arabic, so I think we were using it as a cue to look at the paper map.
@Jeber we had a homer simpson voice on our old GPS....it was hilarious!
@Jeber I want Samuel L Jackson on mine. “Make me recalculate one more goddamn time! I dare you! I double dog dare you: make me recalculate one more time!”
I bought a Garmin to use on cross country drives... but I got rid of it. It kept trying to take me through metropolitan centers, at every exit... My phone takes me around them on their respective beltways without my asking it to.
But I gave it a female voice before her demise.