I'm gonna share this with you guys but no one else, OK? Pinky-Swear. Oh, is that what that means? I thought it meant if you tell anyone else I get to cut off a finger.
Anyway, mum's the word.
That's not what I'm sharing.
It's my "Secret Phrase".
If I ever post this here it means I'm in desperate trouble and probably not going to survive. Not that I expect you do anything. What could you do?
It just would be something unusual to talk about.
"*I think we're all being too hard on Trump."
@Jeber - Are the first 3 commenters your friends IRL? Just...wondering.
In fact, thinking about it more.
There was one person I knew very well online I met in real life. We both administered and moderated a debate forum. When I was ready to flee California, she offered me a room in her house in Virginia until I got settled.
<long story>
Turns out she was a real asshole. I don't think I did anything to offend but I may have. The situation was weird.
I've met 5 other people in real life whom I first met online. Two of them have died.