Corporations treat the Earth like it was a renewable resource while at the same time denouncing renewable resources.
@Jeber #environment I did very well in school, and one of the departments that tried to recruit me was business administration. And I said that while I appreciated the fact that I was a good student, and I could learn almost anything that I was far more interested in not raping the world. Many years later, I have wondered if maybe I should not have thrown myself into it full force, and tried to change things from the inside, but I don’t think it would’ve worked well.
@Jeber #environment. Tell me about it. My brother was launched the European treasurer of a global organization. He and I used to have arguments all the time about the fact that corporations literally have no soul, because they are not people and he would dismiss problems such as Bhopal India as a non-issue. I would remind him that he had children and those children will probably have children someday and disasters like this impact everybody. People with that mindset almost literally cannot see.