Amid Crew Departures, Expedition 69 Intensifies Research Efforts on the ISS
More on Russian minefields.
The Russians quadrupled the depth of their defensive minefields, from 120 meters to 500 meters—and also increased the density of mines within the expanded fields.
But there’s a downside for the Russians. In expanding their minefields, they’ve depleted their minelaying resources faster than they might originally have anticipated. So the minefields are uneven.
Good evening, fellow CoSonauts. If you've been following, or are aware of, the saga of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power ☢🌩 plant, which was knocked offline and essentially destroyed by a massive tsunami in 2011, causing a catastrophic meltdown, you may be aware that they're releasing treated plant water, used to cool the remnants of the fuel cores, into the ocean.
Is this safe? Kyle Hill went there to find out and explains. (Run time 20 minutes)
Just remember folks, if we succeed at getting Trump disqualified from the ballot without convicting him of the crimes mentioned under the 14th, next year, the Republicans will be claiming every opponent is guilty of unproven sedition.
"People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live. What I mean is we never cease to stand like curious children before the great Mystery into which we were born." - Albert Einstein in a letter to Otto Julius Birger, September 29, 1942.Feb 20, 2020
Jenna Eillis' griping that Trump & his PAC have given her the cold shoulder regarding paying her legal fees makes her a candidate to flip on Trump. Eillis has given every sign that she is done with Trump and has taken to X, to express her displeasure.
WISAMO -Wing Sail Mobility- aims at contributing to maritime transport decarbonization, improving the environmental footprint of commercial ships through its innovative wind propulsion solution.
@MuellerSheWrote writes “ This is harrowing. Saudi Arabia wanted the names of 6000 anonymous Arab Spring dissidents from Twitter. At first, MBS tried to get their names using EDRs - requests under emergency circumstances. When that proved cumbersome, KSA basically bought Twitter.”
Four views of the sun, all within minutes of each other but with three different filters. This is white light, Calcium-K, Hydrogen-Alpha monochrome inverted, and Hydrogen-Alpha in false color (you need to use a monochrome camera with H-a). #Astrophotography #Astronomy
So I am feeling much better. But still fatigue a little bit easier. One anecdotal information about this new Covid strain. Not I but one of my neighbors got their Covid sequenced. And they had, so I presume I had this new strain. Anyway, the side effect is continuing moderate to severe sinus pressure. Along with sinus induced headaches. All my neighbors, who tested positive for Covid recently have this lingering effect.
So fucking mask up.
Megan Rapinoe: And I’ll miss being able to represent our country. I think, a lot of times, that gets lost, when people talk about me in particular: Oh, you guys don’t sing the anthem, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You don’t love America. But we do love America. It’s just more in a James Baldwin kind of way, not in a bald-eagle-on-your-shoulder kind of way.