@JGNWYRK I can’t go giving away alllllll my secrets!🤣🤣
@JeSsA I need me a mozzarella plant.
@JGNWYRK 😆 me too my friend, meeee too
@JeSsA Fresh basil is awesome! We have a ton of it in our garden right now. I love this time of year. 👍🏼
@GEAUXJayna isn’t it wonderful! I love it. My favorite herb. So versatile, and tastes, never mind smells, sooooo good!!
@JeSsA Same! We even harvested the rest of ours and froze it last year before we had our first hard freeze. It wasn’t quite the same as fresh from the garden, but still better than store bought ground basil.
@JeSsA how do you grow fresh mozzarella in your garden?!?