@lbacud .. and it will be worth every penny.. we MUST not be afraid, but we must also be prepared.
@JazzCrafter The one thing that TFG has always done is stall. Grifting his worshippers for money is in there, but the stalling is how he has always avoided arrest. His plan is to stall the courts so he can run for office again. He is hoping to win the presidency so he can pardon himself before the cuffs come out.
@KrystalWizard I agree.. but we are the sane woke majority, so why do we accept this at all?? Seems to me that we should be organizing so ALL republicans are out of power in the next 24 months..
@JazzCrafter If he doesn't get arrested any time this week, I can only guess he'll have to foot the bill for the intense security that they've set up.