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It's been over 16 hours since Donald Trump has tweeted.

Anyone else starting to get concerned?

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Here are the 138 GOP reps who voted to disenfranchise Pennsylvania voters.

Final Vote Results for Roll Call 11

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Good night CoSo. Despite an attempted coup and armed insurrection at the Capitol incited by the President, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are now Georgia Senators.

The Dems will control House and Senate Committees, Kamala Harris will break any ties in the Senate as the first female VP and Mitch McConnell is minority leader.

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“Today’s violent assault on our Capitol, an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule, was fomented by Mr. Trump.

His use of the Presidency to destroy trust in our election and to poison our respect for fellow citizens has been enabled by pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice."

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The sitting President of the United States should be arrested for inciting a riot.

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According to Apple, this feature exists so that the phone "can learn" the places that are "significant" to us. step, I must get all my favs on Twitter over to .

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CBS News has learned that President Trump does not plan to concede even if Joe Biden declares victory in the coming days -

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The Trump supporters passing a video around of "Flint Michigan" "ballot stuffing" are using a video from Russia that was already reported on by Washington Post in 2018.
They're still using the Russian playbook on disinformation

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I know many here believe that 45 is reaping what he deserves as a result of his poor management and frank distribution of misinformation about the virus.

And many don't want to hear calls for compassion or kindness.


But his illness, if it worsens, further causes disruption and instability to an ailing nation.

I hope he recovers quickly so that our election processes can unfold as well as they can under present circumstances.

Channel your anger into positive action, not hatred.


I've often described the Santa Cruz mountains as "magical because the of the redwoods that live there". The images that are being reported are devastating. Nearly every redwood in Big Basin is scorched. I am so so sad.

We have a short 20 minute dance party here at the Marcus home every day. My two year old insists that we play the following: "I'm coming out" -Diana Ross, "Bohemian Rhapsody" -Queen and a mix of "Elmo you can ride my car", some random Shakira track or this:

The kid's cute, her dad can never say no to this face.

A little more than an hour into my day I should be checking emails, but here I am (so you should be too): 🦑

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