I watched "Ahsoka" instead of the debatable debate, or the traitor's rant to Tanballs McGooey.
Did I miss anything, or was it just a giant waste of everyone's time?
@JasonCrocker616 Ahsoka is a perfectly cromulent alternative. Some friends and I made the debate a drinking game.
@JasonCrocker616 beats me,I opted for Highlander episodes..
@JasonCrocker616 I watched a few minutes of the recap on Media's Touch. There were only two types of people on that stage, those running for Orangissimo VP and those that are just fund raising.
@Excal2mark I'm watching this, instead, to catch myself up... even though it was taped a week ago!
@JasonCrocker616I watched in spots... couldn't stomach the whole thing, so I'd have to say 2