It was once said the opposite of love isn't hate; it's apathy. I love pretty freely in a wide variety of ways, but people can burn that to the ground by being consistently self-destructive and asking me to bail them out of the messes they cause themselves. Love, to like, to annoyance, to resentment, to nothing at all.
I used to be the doormat that would thank you for walking all over her. Never again.
Patchouli crush, you have faded from me.
today i learned that the person who popularized gender reveal parties despises them, as her child came out as non-binary.
today i learned that the person who popularized gender reveal parties despises them, as her child came out as non-binary.
high functioning sociopaths on counter social, what happened when someone found out; Im a high funct. sociopath. Wondering if friends will go apesh!t if I warn them so they can decide whether or not they still want tobe my friend. (I don't hurt people maliciously.) just for clarity, sociopaths are different than psycos. i still feel emotion, remorse, and empathy, and I do have a moral compass, but just less strong.Im trying to be a better person and this might be a step in the right direction
high functioning sociopaths on counter social, what happened when someone found out; Im a high funct. sociopath. Wondering if friends will go apesh!t if I warn them so they can decide whether or not they still want tobe my friend. (I don't hurt people maliciously.) just for clarity, sociopaths are different than psycos. i still feel emotion, remorse, and empathy, and I do have a moral compass, but just less strong.Im trying to be a better person and this might be a step in the right direction
random nerdy homoromantic bisexual transgirl just being gay (she/they)