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JKxZ boosted

@DarksideStraxus it’s worse than ever. Sock puppets are on fire too.

@DarksideStraxus I’m waiting for Cara Dune to be demoted to space toilet scrubber number one and then she tosses herself into the Sarlacc Pit.

Then Cara Dune is no more.

Cara Dune is going to be toilet scrubber number #1 in The Mandalorian

The story will be she did something stupid and was demoted to janitor duty.

Cara Dune will then leap into the Sarlacc Pit to end her misery.


@TrueBloodNet I can’t say I like her. I think her whole real antivax stance just puts me off.

@DarksideStraxus wait until BlueSky opens its doors.

I’m not sure X survives 2024. I’m okay with that.

@DarksideStraxus they did, but they were all about subjugation of women and bringing about the end of days so they could meet Jesus.

JKxZ boosted

Okay, now can we disqualify him from running for office? If felons can’t vote, then this piece of shit shouldn’t be allowed to run for office.

Toby Keith’s ashes will be stored in a red solo cup.

Hopefully it’s one I’ve already pissed in.

Saves me a step.

@TrueBloodNet I would have gladly taken a recast Black Panther over more Shuri.

@TrueBloodNet there’s no way they would recast Greef Karga.

They are going to need an established character to drive the story.

It’s gotta be Cara Dune or Cobb Vanth. Dune makes more sense to me than Vanth.

So that’s my logic.

@Razdawg22 No. They cost more and if you are more interested in the led lights on the sticks in your PC case than the graphics output on your screen, you might be doing the hobby wrong.

@Razdawg22 oh, 100%. Her stint on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Was all the proof I needed.

Well, with Carl Weathers passing
The Mandalorian & Grogu
is going to have to consider recasting Cara Dune.

May I suggest Lucy Lawless?

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