Well, with Carl Weathers passing
The Mandalorian & Grogu
is going to have to consider recasting Cara Dune.

May I suggest Lucy Lawless?

@JKxZ What does Weathers passing have to do with Cara Dune?

@TrueBloodNet there’s no way they would recast Greef Karga.

They are going to need an established character to drive the story.

It’s gotta be Cara Dune or Cobb Vanth. Dune makes more sense to me than Vanth.

So that’s my logic.

@JKxZ I see. It's not impossible to recast though. Folks are already annoyed they won't recast BP. It took a Black actor off the screen even though Chadwick was a spectacular human.

@TrueBloodNet I would have gladly taken a recast Black Panther over more Shuri.

@JKxZ I like her but she's unbelievable as the BP.


@TrueBloodNet I can’t say I like her. I think her whole real antivax stance just puts me off.

@JKxZ On that point, I agree. I meant her acting chops.

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