102.5 degrees F qualifies as a fever. I tested negative for Covid yesterday but guessing I need to check again now


Hit 104.1 temp last night but back down to 101.2 before Tylenol.

My balance is garbage, but my head only hurts when I cough so there is that ๐Ÿ™„

Merry ChristmaChanuKwanzmakah everyone.

For those playing along.

So on day 5 of feeling ick I went to the urgent care. Rapid tests apparently lied to me. Confirmed covid. So Iโ€™m now isolating.

Symptoms are on the milder end likely because Iโ€™ve been vaccinated and boosted. So Iโ€™ve got that going for me.

Happy ducking Wednesday


There's a lot of nasty things going around right now.

Hope it clears up quickly!

Try to have a happy Hanukkah. :hanukkah: ๐Ÿ’œ

@JGNWYRK Are you in a medical insurance plan?

If so, do they have immediate care centers? If so, give a call and get in there either this afternoon or tomorrow. Or, go to your regular doctor tomorrow.

@JGNWYRK Massive drag, I hope you are feeling better soon.

@JGNWYRK feel better soon, friend
hot ginger tea be our suggest

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