
Thought I’d dig up this Gippy classic.

Welcome to Check out @CoSoTips for more help.

And please consider going pro. We are crowd funded and every bit helps us keep the lights on.

@JGNWYRK @CoSoTips I see that the Pro level has definite benefits for desktop users. However, I’m not sure what changes or upgrades it brings to the iOS app, which is how I’m using CS.

Who might know the answer to that?

@hermitary @CoSoTips in my head the first benefit is that I know that this place will keep running. Not having ads and trolls makes the money worthwhile for me.

Added features are dms and exploding posts. But you are correct the feature set is scaled down on the mobile devices.( You can access coso realms via the faq link ) and cosocall works via mobile, but I’m not certain how to spawn a call from the app.

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