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Just bought my first cryptocurrency. Went with Ethereum. Now, I’m off to buy myself a Bugatti Chiron on deferred payment ... hehe

So I understand the potential issues with scrapping Net Neutrality rules, but won’t it just return to how it was before FCC implemented rules in 2015? Do you think ISPs are going to immediately start doing anything, or will they cont. operating as-is especially since future might be cloudy as to who will be in power is DC in 2020, and the rules could be put back into place (or made more stringent if any ISPs actually try to speed/slow/block? (I do support recognizing internet as utility)

@J4BB3RW0CK And in no way would I want us to pull out of NATO. And I know a lot of our military abroad is for our own interest (I was a military brat as a kid, stationed overseas once).

Ok, honest question. First, the disclaimer: I hate Trump. (Well, hate's strong for someone I've never met, but you understand). So question: Even if Trump's rhetoric on this is, well, horrible/inciting, should we actually be having a debate on how much military spending is related to activities such as NATO? We complain about military spending compared to whole budget, but how much is due to similar situations? I haven't researched

So sad. These deaths in Puerto Rico could have been avoided / minimized. And everyone saw it coming. American citizens, left to die

Yay, Friday! And the dog let us sleep in until our 5:15 alarm. Good start!

Jason G boosted

United States Consulate in Jerusalem has released the following security message for United States citizens:

Listening to some good live somewhat local music tonight. Kinda bluegrass, but not quite. The Mighty Pines are killing it as always. Check them out. Heading to Northeast after tonight’s show. They are legit.

Not sure how much the tax plan passage will affect 2018 elections (especially without knowing what the final reconciled bill may look like). Voters may not see much change in take home pay, or maybe slight increase. Won’t notice big changes until filing 2018 tax returns, well after mid terms. And many voters who voted GOP probably won’t care about shady process, will always compare to ACA passage process (even if false).

Quick hit of overwhelming emotions earlier. Thoughts of oldest daughter possibly heading off to college in 2.5 years with youngest just 2 years later. Time marching quite fast, and I hate that I feel preoccupied with stress from work and daily news assaults of what 45 has said/done lately or who is now a sexual predator. Sad not only because our girls will no longer be under our roofs on a daily basis, but also that they'll be going out into this mess of a world.

@J4BB3RW0CK And then they pour the wine out of a pitcher like Kool Aid into regular glasses, and I wanna be right there

While watching Anthony Boardain's show, I sometimes fantasize about just saying f-it and escaping to whatever country he's in. Then I remember I like having access to shows like his. And high speed internet (especially to work remote). And Nashville hot chicken and Indian food and sushi. And having several hospitals nearby so if I were to get by a tarantula I'd be fine (even if treatment does drive me to bankruptcy). On second thought, a vacation there someday might be nice

Always nice to be home after visiting dad out of state. So much I can do today, but I'll probably end up sipping coffee for another hour in the sunroom, get a few groceries with wife, and chill.

I'll still keep an eye on Twitter since that's where I can see "breaking news" while getting updates from local sports, restaurants, school and businesses, but I think CS can help lower the blood pressure/anxiety. I wouldn't mind occasional political debate from all sides as long as it's civil and stuck to factual points or defensible opinions (even if I don't agree). But I think a somewhat moderated platform such as CS can hopefully bring back a bit of civility to social media

Jason G

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.