I was in a #Linux group today and asked for recommendations on a book or two to teach me how to do bash scripting, something a beginner could easily grasp and the response was "we don't encourage script kiddy level work"
It's that kind of elitist bullshit I often find so off-putting about the Linux community. Everyone had to start somewhere, after all.
@Iskios To be fair, I have never encountered such arrogance and rudeness. I'm sorry for that.
I cannot 100% vouch for its quality, but there is "Learning the Bash Shell" by Cameron Newham, published by O'Reilly.
When I was new to Linux and programming, O'Reilly was considered one of the best publishers.
The bash page at gnu.org has a link to a reference manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/
Here's another tutorial: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/shell-scripting-crash-course-how-to-write-bash-scripts-in-linux/
Hope it helps.
Screw them !