
"Bob's Backlot Babies!! Why should you pay for all that cleaning hospitals CLAIM you need to have a safe delivery...."

@northernbassist @InUnfunky

Oh, this isn't anything a few multimillion-dollar judgements for medical malpractice can't set right.


An INVESTMENT FIRM lobbied for the changes!

This is insane.

Florida ALREADY has an awful maternal mortality rate!

DeSantis is going to kill MORE people.

Florida Republican politicians are stupid and horrible people.

And LOVE to pretend they are doctors.


Looking like a good ROI for them, courtesy of gubmint money. Someone should follow the $$$ there. Also decreases the "power" of the professional medical class...with whom Weenie Mussolini has had probs since covid, Lapdog, and banning abortion after 6 weeks.



No ICU? Will they have neonatologists on staff in case something happens with the fetus? You'll have to ship the baby out if something is seriously wrong with it, interrupting the bonding between the mother and the child. There's also no high-tech OR available in case of a serious complication for the mother. This is a very bad idea. Of course Ron likes it.

@InUnfunky what the fuck? They're going to be doing VBACs there? Let's see how long it takes before someone dies.
A post C-section patient goes into DIC -- do they have the equipment to scan them to find the clot? I doubt it. Minutes mean lives. These people are stupid as hell.

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