Rick Wilson: “When you look at the demographics of police and police union leadership, they are exactly dead center in the Trump demo. Let’s be honest here. It’s a job you can get without a college degree and a lot of the people drawn to it are drawn to the kind of behavior Trump exhibits...I know a lot of law-enforcement officers who are very uncomfortable with Trump, but they are, I believe, an exception, rather than the rule.”
It's so gross that any police officer or union would support someone who posts this. It's so emasculating, isn't it?
Before I retired, working as both an armed and unarmed security guard. I interacted with a lot of local LE officers. At least in the small city (Salem,OR), about ⅓ were Trump supporters, and pretty on board with his ideas. ⅔ were not. The current at that time police chief was not. But unable to buck the union, which was definitely on the far right side of thought and practice.
The newer police chief has been somewhat successful in "retiring" many of those far right officers.