If Trump is convicted, I say that the federal government should incarcerate him in one of our 2 military prisons (Fort Leavenworth, KS; Fort Lewis, Washington). His cult-like fans would not be able to get onto base to worship at the prison’s walls.

I am happy about the ?
These are the conversations that I want to have, where do lock up a super traitor?
@InUnfunky @Jeffj1111 @JerichoTaskerDeaux @CanisPundit


@feloneouscat @JerichoTaskerDeaux @Bix @Jeffj1111 @CanisPundit

Trump will never back down, so yeah. But who knows, he does have Trump Dubai with no extradition. That might be a midnight flight and a "See ya, suckers!" to his griftees.

Then we'd see some US citizens do a holy pilgrimage to the UAE, LOL.

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