I think I'm ready for another dog. I still miss the old ones & always will, & still grieving the one I lost this past January. But I don't feel like a new dog would be *replacing* him now, which says to me that I could get a new dog now & it'd be OK. I'd still miss the old one but I'd love the new one a ton.
Plus I've recognized how essential having a dog is to my mental health. I have severe, intractable Major Depressive Disorder (-10/10, do not recommend, this shit sucks) & having a dog seems to provide a kind of emotional support & unconditional love essential to me feeling okay from day to day. Pups don't solve every depression-related issue I have but boy, they're a big part of it.
Housemate loves dogs & cats & furry & feathered & scaled friends of all kinds, at least - it's just the allergies that are a problem.
Although if they didn't like pets at all I wouldn't be around them.