The psych units in the local hospitals were overflowing with patients, many of them children, during the pandemic. People who were already strained to breaking point & psychologically vulnerable, well - they broke. They couldn't fucking deal with the insanity of how the pandemic *wasn't* handled, & didn't have resources to help them.
The US doesn't really have good psych resources across the board anyway.
@KazzyH That's so awful. I hope you're better, I hope that boy got the care he needed, & holy smeg do we seriously need some solid accessible mental health care in this feckin' country, I tellya...
I'm fine but I do wonder how the sweet boy made out.
I was hospitalized with an infection in March. In a room nearby in the ER there was a young boy probably 10 or so that had been held for a few weeks waiting for a bed to open up. It broke my heart. 💔