@Impious_Jade One such example: You don't need two CT scans for an extraction and post placement in Dentistry, I know because my cousin is going through the same thing in NY. I paid cash for two scans because they are not covered by insurance AND more importantly Dr, Ben Dover owns an office scanner.
@MidnightRider Right?? & on the flip side, a lot of people have gotten used to having lots of diagnostics & will flat-out demand it. Overuse of medical resources is just one complicated part of the whole puzzle.
@MidnightRider UGH kickbacks are a fucking scam. We don't even let vendors on campus at all without either an actual need, or if a particular provider is interested in a specific product & wants to make the case to bring it in. Oh, & prescription salespeople? HELL NO, they aren't allowed on campus AT ALL.
@MidnightRider Oh sweet. Yeah that's one of the awesome things about working for a teaching hospital, so many of the providers I work with are doing amazing research as well as their clinical work. It's one of the reasons I love working there too.
@Impious_Jade I did that too, both during college and after. I even taught at U of M occasionally, certainly the most expensive college I taught at for sure.
@Impious_Jade I like a more specific fishing net. My work on campus with Companion Animal Hospital was in support of imaging technology they already bought. I loved working there and being part of cutting edge animal medicine.