A CoSoNaut posted about a chocolate dinosaur advent calendar recently. If you are that person or saw that post, I would love to know where I might buy the chocolate dinosaurs.

Good grief - this country is so pro-life it is unbelievable. NBC is featuring a story about medical debt - “New Parents Facing Childbirth Debt Crisis.”

The KC police chief who didn't show up for trial today was just found dead in his home per KSNT news.

Every time the BillyGraham.org commercial runs I fondly wish for the freedom from religion commercial featuring Reagan’s son. 😔

Today is hungry woodpecker heaven day here. Both downy and red-bellied woodpeckers are visiting frequently for suet. We just had a big drop in temperature. I wonder if that is making the birds extra hungry?

I don't care that he dropped out.

Release the committee findings on Matt Gaetz's Solicited Sex Safaris!!!

There is an excellent editorial about mass deportation in the NYT this AM by Dara Lind. “…those who do not wish to see millions of people leave the United States under coercion during a second Trump administration should do what they can to prevent that reality. That starts with a committed and cleareyed understanding of what is actually happening, and a willingness to treat abuses of power as a rupture and an aberration — something that can, and should, be fought.”

@Alfred Why do some religious believers engage in self-flagellation?

How will those of us who need to live in reality - need to discuss the horrifying news - deal with rejection from loved ones who must insulate themselves entirely from political news? Is the need to talk about this self-indulgence?

@WordsmithFL Roughly a quarter of the US population and a third of the registered voters voted for The Disgraced Former President. And even among those who voted for him, many will not be comfortable that this happens in their name. The US has a window of opportunity to turn things around before the killing of your neighbor becomes normalized. I can certainly see The Disgraced Former President ordering the military to open fire. But I also can see the US citizens resist this order.

@Kinnison "Who is going to allow that?"

The majority of the US electorate just did. was quite open about what he intends to do. The majority are perfectly okay with it.

I am happy to announce a pair of Carolina wrens is enjoying a mealworm/peanut buffet at my porch again. It has been quiet in the morning recently, so their songs are extra special.

@Superstitionsee I’m sorry I totally missed your point! I need to sleep or request a new brain… Please forgive me. 🙏

@Superstitionsee Oh, thank you! If Trump weren’t president, my faith in humanity woud be restored.😎

Flowers again, now a fond memory, but shared in the interest of promoting sanity - probably primarily my sanity… 😂🤣😂

Demoralization is a prime tool of authoritarians. Watching that happen in the US now is a stark reminder that self-care will help people last longer. Despair is a poison.

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