@Nimthiriel I agree. Thank you.🙏🏼
@HopeSeeker we all have different ways of coping, no one is wrong and no one is right. We all just need to do what works best for us.
@HopeSeeker You can talk about it here, but l'd be grateful if you use #politics!😉
@KarenSohne I am really making an effort to remember to use #Politics. I am trying to also remember #Religion. I do forget sometimes but always appreciate reminders!
@KarenSohne I think I forgot to use #Politics in a reply yesterday. I will fix it and I do apologize!
@HopeSeeker Self indulgence and a form of venting, perhaps.
I also see it as a way to reiterate it to yourself to try and understand it.
@GeezerWench Guilty. 🙏
@HopeSeeker $.02 They may need more time to re-evaluate. The more invested they are in their views, the longer they may need, and they need an off-ramp -- and ways to switch positions with minimal embarrassment. For you talk is not self indulgence but maybe necessary for processing and they're just not ready to be there for it. Suggest finding other outlets. But: I'm no psychologist or any kind of expert.
It's a real problem. Certainly strategies for dealing with the new reality will differ.
I belong to a small support group who are trying to deal with everything. Some get irritated by those that insist on discussing current events. Others get irritated by those that insist on burying their heads in the sand.
We all just need time to work it out.
@sloudermilk ❤️❤️❤️
@HopeSeeker No, the need to talk about this is part of processing it. Humans are social creatures, and have always had this need. It's something we all do for each other, and is part of strengthening our ties with each other.