@MrsHowelsEyebrows Not sure what you mean by gone? Oh ... maybe it's because I have an account & it's loggin in when I click the link. Hmmm

@wolfwoman @MrsHowelsEyebrows
I think you might be correct. Maybe having an account makes a difference? If this was the roux video, I couldn’t see it either.

@HopeSeeker @MrsHowelsEyebrows
That also worked when I wasn't logged in so I don't know how to help, sorry.


@wolfwoman @MrsHowelsEyebrows
I am using Safari so my results are suspect… I’ll bet your roux video is fabulous, though! 😂🤣😂

@HopeSeeker @wolfwoman @MrsHowelsEyebrows Safari gets a bit quirky sometimes I've found, but firefox works like a charm.

@HopeSeeker @MrsHowelsEyebrows
I have just learned how I can share such things & nobody should have trouble seeing them, fingers crossed! You get to be my guinea pic 😃

@wolfwoman @MrsHowelsEyebrows
Yes, that’s it! I can watch it and it is absolutely, hilariously on target! Thank you so much.

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