@jeffdavenport I've honestly seen way more politics here than on Twitter. How do you filter them?
@SeismoTEK fake tree at our house and most businesses. When we go to family gatherings, Benadryl is my friend.
@SeismoTEK that's fair
In the stillness of my mind
In the whorling of my heart
When the blood rushes
& my brain pounds
When these thoughts
can't quiet themselves
but the world around me quiets
I will dwell on it all
Every mistake I made
Every spoke too soon
Every enraged moment
Every enraptured grasp
For I was there
I felt it
Sometimes a blink too late
Sometimes not enough
But it was me
And now it IS me
For I have become who it made me
@milythael 😢😢😢
@ianmhill 😅😅😅
@Jer_am_i good morning!
Did you notice a Cloudflare error? That's because CounterSocial is currently experiencing a massive influx of new accounts and is rapidly expanding capacity to make room for our new friends.
Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice, and check back later. #CoSoTips
@milythael ☺️🥰☺️ I am actively blushing right now
@milythael that's because it is! 😅
Author | Over 30 | Wife | Mom | Socially awkward | Authentic | Heart full of fire❤️🔥 | Computer/math geek | ~NSFW🔞 | she/her